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Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's top consumer goods company and is a subsidiary of the British-Dutch conglomerate Unilever. HUL's diverse business spans foods and refreshments, home care, beauty, and personal care, catering to the diverse needs of Indian consumers.

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India’s top consumer goods company and is a subsidiary of the British-Dutch conglomerate Unilever. HUL’s diverse business spans foods and refreshments, home care, beauty, and personal care, catering to the diverse needs of Indian consumers. Hindustan Unilever has a history dating back to 1933 and has continuously evolved, adapting to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics.

In 2022, Hindustan Unilever made history by becoming the first pure FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) company to reach a turnover of ₹ 50,000 crore, marking a significant milestone in the industry. It started way back in 1933 as the Hindustan Vanaspati Manufacturing Company, and now, it’s everywhere in Indian homes.

In the past five years, Hindustan Unilever’s history stands as a success story in the Indian FMCG industry. Its financial performance has consistently improved, showing growth year after year. From FY 2018 to FY 2023, HUL’s revenues surged by 44%, crossing ₹58,000 crore in the last fiscal year, as per HUL Annual Reports. 

The Hindustan Unilever share price history reflects its consistent growth and market performance, attracting investors nationwide. For FY23, Hindustan Unilever announced an equity dividend of 3900.00%, equating to Rs 39 per share. It has an excellent dividend track record, consistently declaring dividends for the past five years. 

About Hindustan Unilever Limited

HUL, headquartered in Mumbai, India, operates as a public limited company boasting a workforce of over 21,000 individuals. The company’s extensive portfolio comprises renowned brands such as Dove, Lifebuoy, Lux, Ponds, Fair & Lovely, Sunsilk, Vaseline, Lipton, and Knorr. It has active various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, notably Project Shakti, Swachh Aadat, and Swachh Bharat. Hindustan Unilever’s history underscores its commitment to societal welfare and sustainable business practices.

Hindustan Unilever History

1933 British entrepreneur William Hesketh Lever and his brother James Lever established Lever Brothers India Limited, which later evolved into Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL). In 1956, HLL collaborated with Indian firms and introduced renowned brands like Lux and Lifebuoy to India. 2007, it was rebranded as Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) to align with its parent company’s global identity.

Hindustan Unilever’s history reflects its resilience and adaptability as it navigates through decades of market changes, consistently emerging as a leader in the consumer goods sector. Hindustan Unilever’s share price history has been a testament to its market strength and investor confidence, showcasing steady growth amidst market fluctuations. Furthermore, HUL’s dividend history underscores its commitment to shareholders, with consistent payouts reflecting its financial stability and performance over the years.

Timeline of Hindustan Unilever Limited

Hindustan Unilever’s history and timeline reflect its evolution from Lever Brothers India Limited in 1933 to its current stature as HUL, showcasing significant milestones. 


Lever Brothers India Limited established on October 17, plans for a soap plant near the Vanaspati factory in Sewri.


Soap production begins at Sewri facility; Garden Reach facility in Kolkata, operated by North West Soap Company, is leased and expanded for Lever brands.


Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) was formed by merging with various Indian corporations.


HLL becomes the first FMCG firm in India to achieve INR 1,000 crore in earnings.


Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) rebranded to align with the parent company’s global branding.


HUL emerges as India’s leading FMCG company, boasting a diverse product line and extensive market presence.

Hindustan Unilever’s History showcases a remarkable evolution from its inception in 1933 to its emergence as India’s foremost FMCG company by 2023. Through strategic milestones and rebranding, Hindustan Unilever Limited has demonstrated market dominance, solidifying its legacy in Hindustan Unilever’s History.

Hindustan Unilever Limited Subsidiaries: Overview

HUL’s different parts, or subsidiaries, are essential for its varied operations. Unilever India Exports Limited helps HUL sell its products globally. Lakme Lever Limited makes sure HUL is known for beauty and personal care. Hindustan Field Services Private Limited helps with making sales and marketing work smoothly. The Hindustan Unilever Network talks directly to customers, making connecting and selling things easier.

Collectively, these parts of HUL help it have a solid plan for doing business, meeting customers’ different needs, and ensuring it stays strong in the market. Hindustan Unilever’s history demonstrates its strategic expansion and diversification, enabling it to effectively meet customer needs and maintain a strong market presence.

Subsidiaries of Hindustan Unilever Limited

HUL has several subsidiaries, including:

  • Hindustan Unilever Limited: The parent company.
  • Unilever India Exports Limited: A subsidiary that exports products to other countries.
  • Lakme Lever Limited: A joint venture between HUL and Lakme Cosmetics.
  • Hindustan Field Services Private Limited: A subsidiary that provides support services to HUL’s sales and marketing teams.
  • Hindustan Unilever Network: A subsidiary that provides direct selling services.


Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) stands as a leading player in India’s consumer goods scene, reflecting on Hindustan Unilever’s share price history. HUL has become a nationwide household name thanks to iconic brands and financial success.

Its journey highlights a dedication to quality and innovation, evident in the dividend history of Hindustan Unilever. HUL’s ability to adapt to market changes showcases its resilience and strategic insight. 

Additionally, its subsidiaries are vital in expanding its reach and strategy, contributing to both Hindustan Unilever’s history and HUL’s dividend history. It continues to grow amidst shifting consumer needs and is committed to serving customers and the community. 


  1. Who is the real owner of Hindustan Unilever?

    Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is a publicly traded company on the Indian stock exchanges. Unilever, the British-Dutch multinational consumer goods company, is a significant shareholder and parent company of Hindustan Unilever Limited. However, the ownership of HUL is distributed among its shareholders, and Unilever does not own the entire company outright.

  2. What was Unilever’s original name?

    This company was initially known as Lever Brothers before it became Unilever. It was founded in the 19th century by William Hesketh Lever and his brother James.

  3. What is the salary of the CEO of HUL?

    As MD and CEO of HUL, Mr. Rohit Jawa was expected to receive an annual compensation of ₹ 21.43 crore, as stated in the company’s annual report. Additionally, he will be granted ₹ 4.83 crore crore as mobility-related allowances in FY24.

If you are the type who likes doing more different things, then you need to ‘hustle.’ It means you add another source of income to your day job while doing an activity you like.

If you are the type who likes doing more different things, then you need to ‘hustle.’ It means you add another source of income to your day job while doing an activity you like. Generally, people do side hustles to supplement their primary income, develop new skills, get a feel of a passion they want to explore, or even pay off debt. 

If any of these reasons resonate, this blog is about side hustle ideas you can consider taking up in 2024. 

30 Best Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024

The following are some of the best ideas to do well in 2024. 

Frееlancе Writing: With thе risе of onlinе platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr, and thе еvеr-growing nееd for digital content, frееlancе writing is one of the most lucrativе side hustle ideas. Individuals can offer their writing sеrvicеs to businеssеs publications and create a flеxiblе incomе strеam. 

Online Teaching: One of the most successful online side business ideas. The pandemic contributed to this mode of learning massively. It is still what learning institutes and tutors prefer when looking to reach a wider audience by using digital platforms.

Fitnеss Coaching: With hеalth and wеllnеss gaining global attention, offеring onlinе fitness coaching services can bе a rеwarding sidе hustlе. You can consider group workout sessions or customizеd workout plans for individuals via virtual coaching sessions or in rented spaces.

E-commеrcе Rеsеlling: Use е-commеrcе platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho to start an е-commеrcе rеsеlling businеss. Side hustle ideas like these involve sourcing products at a lowеr cost and sеlling thеm for a profit onlinе by tapping into thе global markеtplacе.

Affiliatе Markеting: This is another option to consider if you have an excellent digital prеsеncе yoursеlf. Hеrе, you offеr your online platform to othеr businеssеs to advеrtisе thеir products/sеrvicеs and makе a commission from thе salе. 

Handmadе Crafts and Art: If you crеatе handmadе crafts or art piеcеs to sеll on e-commerce platforms, then Etsy, Craftsvilla, and eBay with thеir global reach can connеct you with buyеrs worldwide. In side hustle ideas of this type, setting aside a small space in your home for your customers to visit is also a good idea.

Grocеry Dеlivеriеs: Consider side hustle ideas where you can join a grocеry dеlivеry companies such as Amazon Prime Now, Big Basket, and Spencer’s Retail to dеlivеr daily еssеntials and other itеms. Bеsidеs thе salary, you can еarn tips too. 

Packagе Dеlivеriеs: Side hustle ideas such as package delivery are good options given the volume of increasing onlinе consumеr shopping; delivery services are hеrе to stay. Considеr bеcoming a dеlivеry partner for е-commеrcе platforms. 

Making Coffее: If your day starts with coffее and you can distinguish between a good and a grеat coffее, thеn you should bе brеwing coffее at local cafеs. Altеrnativеly, one of your side hustle ideas can be to pеddlе somе great coffее on your vеhiclе or bikе.    

Hеlping Hand at a Food Truck: Sеlling food on a food truck needs you to be swift, whilе also bеing cautious of thе kitchеn arrangеmеnt. If you can picturе yoursеlf having a hеctic couplе of hours, this sidе hustlе is for you. 

Babysitting: Lovе bеing around babiеs or toddlеrs? Thеn babysitting will work best for you as one of the side hustle ideas. Start your side hustle by babysitting for your nеighbor’s kid or their contacts. 

Dog-walking: Lovе dogs but can’t own one? Thеn dog walking is onе of thе non- monetary investment sidе business idеas that will surely еarn you somе monеy whilе also helping you rеlax. 

Food Pops: A seasonal food joint can be one of your side hustle ideas as thеrе is always something to look forward to on the food scene. Bring out your bеst with food pops. You will makе еnough to gеt through till your nеxt pop up. 

Stock Photography: Considеr contributing to stock photography platforms when looking for side hustle ideas you are skilled in. Your images could be licensed for various purposes globally.

Dropshipping: Start an onlinе storе without thе nееd for invеntory by utilizing dropshipping when looking for side hustle ideas. Partnеr with suppliеrs to fulfill ordеrs while you focus on markеting and salеs.

Onlinе Coursеs and Workshops: Sharе your еxpеrtisе. Create and sеll onlinе courses or host virtual workshops. It is one of those side hustle ideas known to work well.

Vlogging: One of the best side hustle ideas is video blogging. Your phone, time, and some story ideas are all it takes. From strееt food to high tеch gadgеts to nеighborhood localеs, sharе your knowlеdgе so that othеrs lеarn a thing or two.

Vidеo Editing: One of the side hustle ideas can be video editing as there is some editing required еvеn whеn thе bеst of content is shot.

Bеcomе a City Tour Guidе: Know thе city well? Do you think you can lеad a group of locals or tourists to lеssеr known parts of your city? Thеn market yoursеlf as a city tour guide for holidays and in your spare time. 

Bеcomе a Hair Stylist /Makeup Artist: One of your side hustle ideas can be to make pеoplе look bеautiful and stylish with your hair styling and makеup skills. Makе surе thеy book you in advancе and pay you a small part of thе fее to confirm thе ordеr. 

Virtual Evеnt Planning: As virtual еvеnts bеcomе morе popular, thеrе is a growing dеmand for virtual еvеnt plannеrs—hеlp individuals and businеssеs organizе succеssful onlinе еvеnts by curating mеmorablе еvеnts rеmotеly.

Frееlancе Vidеography: With thе risе of vidеo contеnt, frееlancе vidеography is in high demand as one of the money-making side hustle ideas. Offеr your services to businеssеs and contеnt crеators globally.

Social Mеdia Advеrtising: Spеcializе in social mеdia advеrtising sеrvicеs. Hеlp businеssеs crеatе and managе еffеctivе ad campaigns on social media. Behance, Fiverr, and Upwork are freelance gig marketplaces to have your profile.

Digital Markеting Sеrvicеs: Offеr digital markеting sеrvicеs such as SEO, social mеdia markеting and еmail markеting to businеssеs looking to еnhancе thеir onlinе prеsеncе. 

Data Entry: Data еntry tasks arе еssеntial for many businеssеs. Side hustle ideas where you can offer data еntry sеrvicеs to assist companies in organizing and managing their data are intelligent options. 

Wеb Dеvеlopmеnt: Consider website development as one of the side hustle ideas to make wеbsitеs for individuals and businеssеs. Submit your bio on Guru, UpStack, and PeoplePerHour, some such marketplaces for tech enthusiasts.

Languagе Translation: With thе global naturе of businеssеs, thеrе’s a constant nееd for languagе translation sеrvicеs. If you are fluеnt in multiple languagеs, offer your translation skills to local and global clients. Side hustle ideas in a niche segment are rewarding.

Rеnting Out Your Car: If you do not find much usе for your car, thеn utilizе it to offеr car sharing sеrvicеs in your nеighborhood or city. Check out Zoomcar, Orix India, Getaround, and HyreCar for your side hustle ideas. Allow your guеsts (passеngеrs) thе option to hirе a drivеr or book onе for thеm for an additional fее. 

Gеt Paid to Takе Onlinе Survеys: All kinds of businesses and markеt rеsеarch companies nееd regular fееdback to bеttеr thеir offеrings and pay participants to givе survеy rеsponsеs. Chеck out sitеs looking for participants as side hustle ideas that require only time investment.

Transcribing Vidеos: Side hustle ideas that require translating intеrviеws from spееch to text are a good option if you have thе knack and thе skill. 

Side Hustle Ideas to Avoid

However, not everything you would likе to do is rеcommеndеd. Hеrе аrе somе sidе hustlе idеas that arе bеst avoidеd. 

Pyramid Schеmеs and Multi-lеvеl Markеting (MLM): Bе cautious of schеmеs that rеquirе you to rеcruit othеrs to makе monеy. Thеsе schеmеs promisе substantial rеturns but primarily rеly on rеcruitmеnt, making thеm unsustainablе and potеntially fraudulеnt.

Gеt-Rich-Quick Schеmеs: Any sidе hustlе promising unrеalistic rеturns with minimal еffort should bе quеstionеd. Lеgitimatе opportunitiеs usually rеquirе timе, еffort, and dеdication to yiеld substantial rеsults. 

Crypto Trading: Side hustle ideas dealing with crypto trading are unprеdictablе bеcausе of high volatility in thе sеgmеnt and no guarantee of returns. So, do not gеt into crypto trading and promise high profits, as it is a high-risk business. 

Unvеrifiеd Onlinе Survеys: One should be cautious of side hustle ideas that promisе largе payouts for minimal еffort. Some survеy scams may collect personal information or involvе hiddеn fееs.

Rеal Estatе: Making a rеal еstatе dеal is not something onе can achiеvе in a few hours. It is pretty challenging to show around and convince potential buyеrs in a short time given their time and budget constraints, prеfеrеncеs as regards typе and location еtc. It is better to avoid it if you cannot make time and room for this business. 

Day Trading: Avoid side hustle ideas that can make you a lot of money by day trading for a few hours. It takes considerable time and in-depth knowledge to bе doing so. Hence, avoid such hustlеs that should never be donе on thе sidе.


Given the uncertainty of jobs or stagnation, it has become necessary for people to look at other sources of income before getting into it full-time. Side hustles are an excellent option for this and even to make additional money. This blog offers 30 best side hustle ideas to make extra money in 2024 and the side hustles to avoid. Online side business ideas or offline side hustle ideas, there are many options to pick from. 

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  1. What is the most profitable side hustle?

    The most profitable side hustle is the one that does not involve significant monetary investment or very little of it and yet gives good earnings. Some side business ideas include dog-walking, babysitting, and renting your car.

  2. Which side hustle should I start?

    There are many side hustle ideas. But to pick one, consider your passion, the hustle’s feasibility, constraints, and other essential factors.

  3. How to make easy money?

    Consider low-investment side hustle ideas that are easy, feasible, and ethical. Refrain from falling for schemes that promise you can help others make money quickly.

If you are an entertainment junkie, you are up for a treat. We’re already spoiled for choice with the innumerable […]

If you are an entertainment junkie, you are up for a treat. We’re already spoiled for choice with the innumerable shows on tens of OTT platforms. And you have more coming to you! Plus, if luck favors us, it might just be free. So, enjoy endlessly scrolling through the list of movies because Reliance Industries, India’s largest conglomerate, is reportedly in talks to buy a 30% stake in Tata Play, a subscription-based satellite TV and video streaming service, from Walt Disney. 

The deal, if successful, would mark a strategic move by Reliance to strengthen its presence in India’s television distribution sector and expand the reach of its streaming platform, JioCinema.

The OTT War

Tata Play, owned by Tata Sons and Temasek, is one of the leading players in the direct-to-home (DTH) market, with over 21.43 million subscribers. It also offers an OTT service, Tata Play+, with a library of over 10,000 movies and shows, including Disney+ Hotstar content. 

However, Tata Play faces stiff competition from other streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Zee5, as well as Reliance’s own JioFiber, which provides broadband, TV, and OTT services. The rise of OTT is slowly killing the DTH market. Big players like Tata Play struggle to hold their heads above the water.

Reliance, on the other hand, has been aggressively expanding its digital and media businesses, with acquisitions of Hathway and DEN Networks, two of the largest cable operators in India, as well as investments in Balaji Telefilms, Eros International, and Viacom18. 

Reliance also owns JioCinema, an OTT platform that offers over 1 lakh hours of content, including movies, TV shows, music videos, and original web series.

The Number Game

Acquiring a stake in Tata Play will help Jio Cinema reach closer to the biggest OTT distributors in the world. With this deal, Reliance would gain access to a large and loyal customer base of 21.43 million subscribers that Tata Play has, along with 452 million users that Jio already has. Let’s not forget the diverse and premium content portfolio Tata provides Jio with. 

Reliance might also offer its entire JioCinema content suite to Tata Play customers. This would create a formidable combination of linear TV and OTT offerings, catering to different segments and preferences of the Indian audience. 

Jio users might also benefit from it, as historically, Jio has been providing all content accessible to them to all subscribers of Jio, not just the ones on fiber, but also telecom subscribers. Today, all Jio telecom users can enjoy almost all the OTT Jio has access to for Rs 398

This will be a win-win situation for all: the users, Tata, and Jio. While the users get more content at a lower cost, Jio and Tata get access to a larger audience and can compete against Disney+ and Netflix.

Deal Of The Era

The deal would also mark the first collaboration between the Tata Group and the Ambanis, two of India’s most influential business families. The partnership could pave the way for further synergies and cooperation in other sectors, such as telecom, retail, and e-commerce, where both groups have significant interests and ambitions.


But just like everything, this boardgame of content has dice with multiple faces, and not all numbers are good:

  • Disney, currently holding a 29.8% stake in Tata Play, initially planned to divest its shares during Tata Play’s IPO. Still, the listing was postponed due to regulatory hurdles and market conditions. 
  • Disney wants exit options, but the valuation and terms of the deal are yet to be finalized.
  • The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has yet to approve this deal.
  • Reliance’s market dominance and pricing power in the TV and OTT sectors. This is concerning to the players in the game as they might develop a monopoly in the Indian market, which was seen earlier in the telecom market.


If it materializes, the deal could have far-reaching implications for India’s media and entertainment industry, which is undergoing rapid changes and disruptions due to the rise of digital platforms and changing consumer behavior. Reliance, with its deep pockets and ambitious vision, could emerge as a dominant player in the sector, challenging the existing players and attracting new entrants. 

With its strong brand and loyal customers, Tata Play could benefit from Reliance’s scale and reach and its content and technology capabilities. The deal could also trigger a wave of consolidation and collaboration in the industry as players look to survive and thrive in the competitive and dynamic market.

Money can’t buy true love but can buy Valentine’s Day gifts. So much so that in 2023, Americans alone spent approximately $25.9 billion on the day. Read about the evolution of Valentine's Day!

Money can’t buy true love but can buy Valentine’s Day gifts. So much so that in 2023, Americans alone spent approximately $25.9 billion on the day, 8% more than the previous year, among the highest numbers recorded.  The day is no longer just about romantic love. People also pamper their family members, teachers, friends, colleagues, pets, etc. 

Want to know how Valentine’s Day celebrations evolved into the Gifting Extravaganza of today? Read on

Valentines Day Gifts

Roots in Ancient Rome

Valentine’s Day originated during the ancient Roman festival, Lupercalia, that celebrated spring and love.

People believe it’s dedicated to the 3rd-century martyred Roman St Valentine, who secretly married young couples when King Claudius had banned marriage in the empire. 

In the Middle Ages, February 14th blossomed into a day to express love with handwritten notes.
England was celebrating by exchanging flowers, sweets, and love notes by the 18th century.

Valentine's Day in the 19th Century

The 19th Century Boom

The tradition crossed borders. In 1913, Hallmark flew in like Cupid in the US and, by 1916, replaced handwritten notes with mass-produced cards and chocolates, making Valentine’s Day a major consumer event. 

Globalization spread love (and profit), and people celebrated with fancy dinners, extravagant gifts, and themed vacations. From ancient rituals to modern-day market forces, tradition made way for commercialization. 

Valentines Day - India Lovestruck in the 80s

India: Lovestruck in the 80s 

The love bug bit India, with the young gen losing itself in Archie’s Gallery’s alleys of greeting cards, teddy bears, keychains, and stuffed toys when it opened in 1979. Archie’s made India modern, hip, and global. 

Valentine’s Day greeting cards were launched in 1984-85 and became an instant hit, only getting bigger and better thereon. 

Valentines Day

The Era of Romance

The 90s was the decade of economic freedom and a growing middle class with an increasing disposable income.

Cable and satellite TV filled our living rooms with the romance of Hollywood flicks like Pretty Woman and Notting Hill and tunes like Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You and Everything I Do, as Indipop’s Chhui Mui Si Tum and Valentine’s Day Ke Din Main chimed in. 

Valentines Day 2024

Valentine Week

As the wonder years of the ’90s changed how we celebrated Valentine’s Day, businesses saw an opportunity and turned the Valentine’s celebrations into a week-long affair.  
7 Feb – Rose Day: Express affection with roses.
8 Feb – Propose Day: Pop the question or express your feelings openly.
9 Feb – Chocolate Day: Indulge in sweet treats to symbolize care and joy.
10 Feb – Teddy Day: Gift cuddly bears representing warmth and comfort.
11 Feb – Promise Day: Make commitments and solidify bonds.
12 Feb – Hug Day: Share affection and emotional connection through hugs.
13 Feb – Kiss Day: Seal your love with a kiss.
14 Feb – Valentine’s Day: Celebrate love in all its forms

Valentines Day - The Business of Love

The Business of Love

Guess what the week-long celebrations mean for the commercial side of love? The market size of ₹1,200 crore in 2007 grew to a whopping ₹18,000 crore in 2015.

In 2023, Indians spent an estimated ₹30,000  crore on Valentine’s Day. Pampering sessions at spas, luxury brands, and tech brands made the business of love go beyond cards, chocolates, and jewelry.

Valentines Day - from Generic to personalised

From Generic to Personalized Gifts

What would make one feel more special? A one-size-fits-all gift or a customized experience? Your guess is as good as ours.

The desire to feel extraordinary has fueled the boom of platforms like IGP, Ferns N Petals, OyeGifts, etc., offering customized jewelry, couple portraits, and so on. 

Valentines Day - Experiences

Experiences Take Center Stage

Loved-up couples started going beyond exchanging generic gifts. They increasingly seek memorable shared experiences.

Cooking classes by Cookify or Airbnb Experiences, adventure trips by Thrillophilia and MakeMyTrip, and spa packages by The Spa, Four Seasons offer such unique experiences.

Valentines Day - Self Love

No Love Like Self-Love

Valentine’s Day is no longer just for couples or loved ones. Celebrating singlehood and practicing self-love is the new romance.

Bath bombs (Bath & Body Works), subscriptions to wellness services (Headspace, Calm), or solo travel packages cater to this growing segment.

Vday 2024 - love for money

The Love (Money) Effect

The Day of Love brings in big bucks in the global and Indian markets, boosting various sectors:
Retail: Jewelry, flowers, chocolates, cards, and apparel sell big.
Hospitality: Candlelit dinners at restaurants, hotel discounts, and travel companies offering special packages and experiences shoot up bookings.
Greeting Cards & Gifts: Greeting card companies see peak sales, especially in personalized gifts.
Entertainment: Movies, concerts, and events for couples witness more demand.

Valentines Day flowers

Flowers In Demand

As the flower industry turns more fragrant, with ₹500 crore worth of business around Valentine’s Day, personalized gifts and gift hampers see an incredible 100% market growth! 

70% of the revenue comes from online businesses for players like Ferns N Petals, Flower Aura, Archie’s, etc.  

The valentine effect

The Valentine Effect

A theory suggests the happy feeling on Valentine’s  Day makes people buy stocks as they are more optimistic. Globally, this trend is called the Valentine Effect. Some experts believe the reason could be an increase in demand for celebratory products and services during the period. 

Greeting cards, flower companies, or jewelry retailers see higher sales. A leading floral exporter, Soex Flora Pvt. Ltd, for example, states their market surged to ₹231.7 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach ₹460.6 billion by 2028, reflecting a promising 13.1% compound annual growth rate.  

Valentines day being celebrated everywhere

Tier II and Tier III Are Celebrating

The celebration of love is getting bigger and brighter in India. And it’s not just Tier 1 cities that are celebrating. Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and towns are looking for experiential elements, too.
Consider this: the largest gifting brand, Ferns N Petals, expects a 50% increase in demand from these regions.

Or take Archie’s example. Their business grew approximately 40% from ₹5413.90 lakhs in FY 2020-21 to ₹ 7553.24 in FY22. 

valentines day - whats next

In The Future

While traditional gifts are here to stay, the future is all about personalization, experiences, and self-love. Think romantic getaways instead of bouquets, engraved jewelry instead of cards, and pampering treats for singles besides couple gifts.

The Gifting market, already worth ₹2500 bn, will be fueled further by rising incomes, tech-savvy consumers, and changing social norms. 
It’s not just a day for romance anymore – it’s a consumption story that’s only getting bigger!

The much-anticipated Sony-Zee merger has come crashing down in a dramatic turn of events. This two-year effort aimed to create […]

The much-anticipated Sony-Zee merger has come crashing down in a dramatic turn of events. This two-year effort aimed to create a media and entertainment powerhouse. However, it ended in hostility, with Sony Pictures Networks India Private Ltd (now Culver Max Entertainment Ltd) terminating the definitive agreements. The fallout includes a $90 million termination fee demand, legal actions, and a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the future of both companies.

This article delves into the twists and turns of this failed merger, the implications for both companies and what lies ahead.

What Really Happened?

Genesis of the Merger: The merger between Sony and ZEEL aimed to create a media giant amidst a broader industry trend toward consolidation. Kunal Dasgupta, former CEO of Sony’s India media entity, notes, “The market has become very difficult for traditional broadcasters as their valuations have come under pressure due to the rise of digital.”

Definitive Agreements Dissolved: Sony’s abrupt termination of definitive agreements added complexity to the situation. ZEEL’s response emphasized its commitment to taking “all necessary steps to protect the long-term interests of all its stakeholders.” The $90 million termination fee demand further intensified the dispute.

Prolonged Legal Dispute Looms: The demand for a substantial termination fee sets the stage for potential legal battles. Institutional investors such as ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund, Nippon India Life Asset Management, HDFC Mutual Fund, and LIC, owning over 23.5% of ZEEL, closely monitor developments.

Failed Negotiations: Despite good-faith discussions, an extension couldn’t be agreed upon by the January 21 deadline. ZEEL’s Punit Goenka had even made a last-minute call to Sony executive Ravi Ahuja in a desperate attempt to salvage the deal.

Punit Goenka, amidst the consecration of the Ram mandir in Ayodhya, expressed his disappointment, stating, “The deal that I have spent two years envisioning and working towards has fallen through, despite my best and most honest efforts. I resolve to move ahead positively and work towards strengthening Bharat’s pioneering M&E company for all its stakeholders.”

Setbacks and Challenges: Delays in regulatory approvals and corporate governance concerns made the negotiation process complex, leading to the ultimate fallout.

Leadership Tussle: The clash over Punit Goenka’s leadership role became a significant stumbling block. The Securities Appellate Tribunal’s decision, setting aside SEBI’s order but allowing the probe against Goenka, heightened Sony’s corporate governance concerns.

Sony’s Apprehensions: Sony’s concerns about corporate governance and regulatory troubles involving Goenka added intricacies to the negotiation. A source close to the deal notes, “Sony was worried about the corporate governance blowback that the MNC could attract in Japan if Goenka kept getting into trouble with regulators.

Zee’s Counter Proposal: ZEEL’s proposal for Goenka to step down didn’t assuage Sony’s concerns. The termination ultimately centered around disagreements on leadership and governance. ZEEL proposed an extension of a maximum of six months for the transaction’s completion, but Sony chose termination.

Reasons Behind the Cancellation

  • Unresolved Issues: Several unresolved issues, including the presence of ZEE subsidiaries in Russia and the launch of a channel in Africa, violated the agreement and posed challenges. ZEE’s unresolved Rs 520 crore investment in Margo, entangled in a legal dispute, became a bone of contention. Sony insisted on the disposal of this investment, further complicating the merger.
  • Industry Dynamics and Competitiveness: The deal between Reliance’s Viacom and Disney+ Hotstar is expected to be completed soon, with Reliance holding a majority stake of 51%. This partnership brings together primary cricket broadcasting rights, including the IPL, ICC, and other Indian bilateral cricket series. Nuvama stated that ZEE would require a financial partner to become a significant player in sports and expand its OTT services.
  • Decreasing Profitability: Since the merger announcement, ZEE’s profitability has declined due to unfavorable industry conditions. For instance, Zee’s EBITDA and PAT have decreased by 38% and 48%, respectively, from FY21 to FY23. Nuvama anticipates a weak Q3FY24 from ZEE due to a quarter-on-quarter margin reduction and a year-on-year decrease in advertising revenue.
  • Leadership Appointment Dispute: The original agreement stated Mr Punit Goenka would be the MD & CEO of the merged entity. However, citing Sebi’s ongoing investigation against Goenka, Sony did not want him to hold any executive position; instead, it wanted existing CEO Mr NP Singh to be at the helm.
  • Claims over termination: Sony is seeking a termination fee of $90 million from ZEE. In response, ZEE refuted the allegations and shall take legal action, contesting Culver Max’s and BEPL’s claims in the arbitration proceedings.

Fallout and Future Prospects

The termination’s ripple effect on industry dynamics, especially amidst ongoing mergers, remains a topic of industry-wide speculation. Publicis Groupe South Asia CEO Anupriya Acharya notes, “Something that looks good on paper may not necessarily get concluded.”

The termination’s impact on ZEE’s financials, contractual obligations, and the potential consequences for both companies are now under scrutiny. Financial investors and top shareholders are evaluating the fallout’s impact on both companies, with potential implications for investors and stakeholders.

Options Available For ZEE

Punit Goenka may explore various options, including new investors and partnerships, to restructure ZEEL and navigate the aftermath of the failed merger. Kunal Dasgupta believes Zee faces several challenges traditional broadcasters face in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. He suggests, “Sony might look to acquire digital assets, while Zee will have to find another white knight.”

What’s Next? As both companies navigate this setback, the road ahead seems uncertain, with legal battles looming and industry dynamics in flux.


The fallout between Sony and ZEEL adds to the complexity of mergers and acquisitions in India’s media and entertainment sector. The intricate reasons behind the cancellation and the ongoing industry shifts paint a picture of uncertainty. As stakeholders assess the aftermath, the implications of this failed merger will likely resonate far beyond the boardrooms of Sony and ZEE. The industry now awaits the next strategic moves from these key players.



  1. What were the primary reasons for the termination of the Sony-ZEE merger?

    The termination stemmed from unresolved issues, including subsidiaries, unresolved investments, industry dynamics, distressed profitability, leadership disputes, and financial ramifications.

  2. How does the fallout impact ZEE’s financials?

    The fallout could have repercussions on ZEEL’s financials, contractual obligations, and potential consequences for both companies.

  3. What options does Punit Goenka have post-termination?

    Punit Goenka is exploring various options, including new investors and partnerships, to restructure ZEE and navigate the aftermath of the failed merger.

  4. How will the cancellation influence the broader mergers and acquisitions landscape?

    Industry experts suggest potential shifts in the mergers and acquisitions space, driven by evolving dynamics in the media and entertainment industry.

  5. What are the official statements from Sony and ZEEL regarding the termination?

    Sony seeks a $90 million termination fee, alleging breaches, while ZEEL categorically denies the claims and vows to protect stakeholders’ interests.

Introduction The third quarter results are pivotal indicators of the financial health of companies. With 215 companies declaring October-December results, […]


The third quarter results are pivotal indicators of the financial health of companies. With 215 companies declaring October-December results, the double-digit growth is a positive signal for the market. It shows the resilience and adaptability of businesses in a dynamic economic landscape.

The third quarter results season has commenced, revealing a noteworthy year-on-year growth of 11.2% in revenue and 14.2% in net profit for the sample companies. However, these figures signify a slight deceleration from the previous quarter’s outstanding performance, where revenue and profit surged by 12.1% and 24.5%, respectively. [Source: Economic Times]

Analysis of Q3 Results

Delving into the numbers, the standout performer remains the banking and finance sector, propelling the overall growth. Banks’ aggregate revenue and profit skyrocketed by an impressive 50.5% and 39%, respectively. This surge is a testament to the robust lending activities that have driven revenue and net profit.

Comparing these figures with the preceding quarter’s exceptional performance adds depth to the analysis. The 12.1% and 24.5% growth rates in revenue and profit during July-September set a high bar, making the slightly lower figures in Q3 still commendable.

Performance of Banking and Finance Companies

Though flourishing, the banking and finance landscape is not without its challenges; lenders face pressure on the margin front, with the net interest margin (NIM) squeezed as deposit rates rise faster than lending rates. This nuanced insight adds context to the overall scenario, revealing the intricacies influencing the sector’s performance.

A different narrative unfolds when we exclude banks and finance companies from the sample. The moderate growth of 4.5% and 6.8% in revenue and profit for the December quarter, excluding these entities, highlights their substantial contribution to the overall positive figures.

Operating Margin Dynamics

The tug-of-war between deposit and lending rates was pivotal in shaping the operating margins. The NIM squeeze resulted in a 70 basis points decline in the overall sample’s operating margin to 20.9% in the latest December quarter. However, excluding lenders revealed a contrasting improvement, with the operating margin seeing a 60 basis points increase, reaching 17.8%.

Influence of Reliance Industries (RIL)

Reliance Industries (RIL), as the country’s largest company, significantly influenced the overall performance, contributing 33% and 19.9% to the total sample revenue and net profit, respectively. RIL’s revenue from operations grew by 3.6%, and net profit rose by 10.3%, showcasing its substantial impact on the sample’s growth, which improved to over 15% when excluding RIL.

Analyst Predictions and Sectoral Growth

Anticipated sectors driving overall earnings growth include domestic cyclicals, with automobiles and BFSI projected to post 35% and 17% YoY growth, respectively. As more companies from various sectors declare their quarterly performances in the coming weeks, the trend in India In.’s quarterly results will gain clarity. This evolving picture will contribute significantly to understanding the broader market trends.

In conclusion, the third quarter results showcase mixed triumphs and challenges. While banking and finance lead the growth charge, other sectors face moderation. The tussle between deposit and lending rates adds an interesting layer to the financial narrative, underscoring the complexity of economic dynamics.


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